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In Love Stories
Red Lipstick Kisses and a Black Eye Part 2

Red Lipstick Kisses and a Black Eye Part 1 | 2


I really should have iced my injured eye before falling asleep because in the morning, it was almost swollen shut. My eye was all bloodshot and there was dark black and blue bruising around. I was so mad at my wife. How was I going to explain this bruised and swollen eye to everyone in the coming week? I think my wife was a little shocked when she saw what she had done. However, she didn't say anything and we stayed clear of each other for most of the day.

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In the evening, I was watching football on the television when my wife came into the room dressed rather provocatively with her red lipstick on. She sat down next to me. I tried to ignore her and concentrate on the game but she started kissing my face. I was trying to hold on to my anger but she was wearing me down.

After a couple of minutes, I took a glance at our reflections in a mirror on the wall. She looked at the mirror at the same time and our eyes met. I probably had a dozen large lip prints all over my checks, forehead, neck and everywhere else except near the bruised eye. (It was real sore.) Both of us broke out laughing. Then we started laughing about the whole situation; the badminton game, the argument and the black eye. She got her camera and took a timed picture of us embracing - me with my black eye covered with lipstick kisses. She had it framed and used to show it to her friends and tell them about the story behind it. The funny thing is neither of us could remember what I said before she knocked my lights out. While telling the story, she used to say, "We can't remember what he said, but whatever it was, he knows better than to say it again".

We didn't over-indulge ourselves with alcohol very much after that. I learned not to say hurtful or damaging remarks when we argued. I also worked at overcoming my fragile male ego. The fact was she was a better athlete than I was and regularly beat me in tennis, badminton, volleyball, ping pong and whatever sports that you can name. She even beat me at arm wrestling a few times. I didn't mind so much as long as it was just between us. She came to realize that she had a hot temper and worked to mellow it. I loved that woman.


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I lost her to breast cancer after thirteen years of marriage. I sure do miss her.

By Chris

Red Lipstick Kisses and a Black Eye Part 1 | 2


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