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Stories To Read
Tell her that you Love her Part 1

Tell her that you Love her Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4


I shall call him Dr. Case. He was an old-school country doctor and a close friend of mine twenty years ago. In the years that followed, I often stopped in his little Colorado town to see him when I went west and sometimes he would tell me stories about people we had both known. He told me about John and Louise.

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John was a ranchman, big, quiet, unlettered and strong as a horse. He had begun with fifty head of sheep. Ambitious and frugal, in ten years he owned two thousand ewes and ample pasture for them. Next, he bought an alfalfa farm at the edge of town and fattened his lambs. By the time he was forty-five years old, he was a prosperous man.

Then, he married. Louise was a local girl who had finished high school and gone to work as a waitress in the restaurant in town. John met her there the summer she was twenty. Soon he began driving in from his alfalfa farm everyday for a cup of coffee at ten o'clock. You could set your watch by the time he drove up and parked in front of the restaurant.

John was methodical as a windmill, dependable as the seasons.

Louise chattered to him about the weather, the crops and harmless local gossip.
John merely watched her, smiled and nodded his head; finally he would say, "Got to get to work. So long."

This went on for three months.
Then one morning, (Doc Case had stopped in for coffee after a call and heard it) John said, "Louise, I want you to marry me."
Louise caught her breath and almost spilled the coffee. Doc said it was as though the two of them, John and Louise, were all alone.
Louise said, "John, maybe I will. But I want a day or two to think about it."
John nodded, drank his coffee and said, "Got to get to work. So long."


They were married two weeks later. After a honeymoon in Colorado Springs, they settled down on the alfalfa farm, and Louise had the house painted, papered and refurnished with things from Denver. Throughout that first year, John had workmen out there, putting in a new kitchen and building a screened porch.

(Read Related : Romantic Honeymoon)

However, Doc Case knew things weren't going right. John called him out twice to see Louise and he discovered that Louise wasn't happy. She wasn't well, either; she said she had frightful headaches but there was nothing that Doc could put his finger on. The second time he went out to see her, he asked her if John was treating her right. Louise answered that John was the best husband any woman could ask for, only well, he didn't say much and a woman wants to be talked to. After that, things seemed to straighten out.
When Doc saw her in town a few weeks later, Louise said, "I guess I was just imagining a lot of aches and pains. I've decided to be big and strong, like John!"

Tell her that you Love her Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 4


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