Break Up Quotes And
Up Quotes Part 1
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A rose without thorns is
like love without heartbreak;
it doesn't make sense.
How can I lose something
that I never had?
They say, 'Time heals all wounds.'
If that is true, then I guess
mine go deeper than pain.
There are no words to
choose over losing you.
I guess I found out out too late,
and now all I feel is heartbreak
that only hurts when I breathe.
(Read Related : Heartbreak
And maybe this will end tomorrow
or 2 weeks or 4 months or maybe even 2 years
from now but no matter when it ends
I'll never regret any of it
Sadness flies away on the wings of time.
Someone can walk into your life
and it is not until after they walk out
that you realize that they were even there
Love can tear you apart...
it can kill you. But if you’re lucky,
it can put you back together.
I hate you...and then I love you...
it's like I want to throw you off a cliff....
then rush to the bottom to catch you.
It hurts the most when you can
actually feel your heart breaking.
You love to hate the one who loves the one you hate to
The ones that you love the most are
usually the ones that hurt you the most.
A hundred hearts would be too few
To carry all my love for you.
(Read Related : Break
Up Poems)
The most important things are the hardest to say,
because words diminish them.
True love never dies as we see in our eyes,
only when we let go that we can truly say goodbye.
Memories are the best souvenirs.
Giving up on Love isn't Moving On
Its Giving up Your Happiness
Break Up Quotes Part
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