Emotional Quotes
Love Quotes Part 1
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4 | 5
I was waiting
for you last night
under a broken street light
at least that light
will be fixed
unlike my heart
She saves his voicemail
So whenever she's lonely
She can hear his voice..
Whats the sense of
wishing for something
when I always
just wish it away?
(Read Related : Emotional
Love Quotes)
One light,
one mind
Flashing in the dark
Blinded by the silence
Of a thousand broken hearts
Sometimes if you love
someone so much,
it will actually hurt more.
Every minute spent with her
comes with an hour of
missing her.
Just when you thought
everything would be perfect,
everything falls apart.
I need guidance to
get through the day
and a blade to
get through the night.
Relationships are like crystals,
you don't realize how much
you love it until it breaks.
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When you put
that ring on my finger,
you put a chain of death
around my heart.
It's amazing how
someone can
break your heart,
but you still love them
with all the little pieces.
Emo Love Quotes Part 1
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| 3 | 4
| 5
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