Good Bye Quotes
Quotes Part 1
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Where is the good part in "good-bye"?
Your mouth says “goodbye”,
but your eyes say “Please don’t leave”.
Don't be dismayed at goodbyes,
a farewell is necessary
before you can meet
again and meeting again,
after moments or lifetimes,
is certain for those who are friends.
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You promised me forever,
i guess we both had
a different definition of forever.
Forever just wasn’t long enough.
What I need is to let go.
What I want is to hold on tighter.
A man never knows
how to say goodbye;
a woman never
knows when to say it.
Its weird how people go from
being strangers to being friends,
to being more than friends,
to being practically strangers again…
and it all happens so fast.
Good-byes breed a sort of distaste
for whomever you say good-bye to;
this hurts, you feel,
this must not happen again
It hurts when you say bye,
It hurts when you have to leave,
It hurts when you’re gone!!!
And I don’t think you understand just
how much I’m gonna miss you…!!!
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with Benefits)
The reason it hurts so much
to separate is because
our souls are connected.
A tiny word can even make a giant cry…
and that word is goodbye!!
I hate the part of the show
where we have to say
goodbye to someone.
Sometimes you have to let go of the one
you love to find out if
there is really something there.
Goodbye Quotes Part
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