As the movie came to an end, the room
filled with chatter. The warm fire, twinkling Christmas
lights and laughter from family brought a contented
smile to my face. My boyfriend, Todd and I were the only ones left. With a bewildered
look on his face, he asked me what just happened. (Read Related : Online Love Stories) After hurriedly chipping the frost off the windshield,
we bundled into the car. On the way to the gas station,
Todd asked me to explain why in the world we were
going to get my mom gas so late at night. While pumping the gas, we clapped our hands and jumped around
to stay warm. (Read Related : Simple Love Poems) "When I came home for the holidays during my sophomore year in college, I thought I knew everything. I was on this big female independence kick.” The Scorecard Part 1 | 2
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