Happy Marriage Quotes
Quotes Part 1
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It's easy to tell
if a man is married or not.
Just watch him drive a car
with a woman sitting beside him.
If both his hands
are on the wheel,
you can be sure he is married.
Some people claim that
marriage interferes with romance.
There's no doubt about it.
Anytime you have a romance,
your wife is bound to interfere.
(Read Related : Battle
Of The Sexes)
Chains do not hold
a marriage together.
It is threads,
hundreds of tiny threads,
which sew people
together through the years.
The sum which
two married people
owe to one another
defies calculation.
It is an infinite debt,
which can only be
discharged through all eternity.
Let the wife make the
husband glad to come home,
and let him make her
sorry to see him leave.
When you make
a sacrifice in marriage,
you're sacrificing
not to each other
but to unity in a relationship.
(Read Related : Rachel
Getting Married)
Love is what makes
two people sit in
the middle of a bench
when there is
plenty of room at both ends
Marriage Quotes Part
1 |
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