Anniversary Quotes For Husband
Anniversary Quotes
Part 1 | 2
| 3 | 4
| 5 | 6
| 7 | 8
| 9 | 10 |
Anniversary is repetition of promises made with each other, love
gets stronger.
It takes a moment to say I love you
but a life time to show it.
To catch a husband is an art;
to hold him is a job.
A husband is a guy who tells you
when you've got on too much lipstick
and helps you with your girdle
when your hips stick.
Happy Anniversary!
Now if I can just
remember your birthday this year
I still do.
Marriage is a partnership
in which each inspire the other,
and brings fruition to both of you.
For you wake one day,
Look around and say
Somebody wonderful
Married me.
I am insufficient at
expressing myself with my words.
I want to thank you for loving me anyway.
Happy anniversary.
Good thing you are better at forgiving me
than I am of making your life difficult.
Happy belated Anniversary.
Will you forgive me again?
The best way to get your
husband to do something
is to suggest he is too old to do it.
Love is the thing that enables
a woman to sing while she mops up the floor
after her husband has walked across it in his barn boots.
Anniversary Quotes Part 1
| 2 | 3
| 4 | 5
| 6 | 7
| 8 | 9
| 10 | 11
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