Anniversary Sayings
Anniversary Quotes
Part 1 | 2
| 3 | 4
| 5 | 6 | 7
| 8 | 9
| 10 | 11
I wouldn't change a thing
as happiness you bring.
You are my soul mate.
A marriage made by fate.
Our wedding was
many years ago.
The celebration
continues to this day.
No matter how much cats fight,
there always seem
to be plenty of kittens.
Knowing you will be with me
in all my tomorrows,
makes my today so wonderful.
God gave you two
a special love
to share...
...because He knew
how much you
would cherish it.
Love brought you together
As husband and wife
And gave each of you
A best friend for life
It doesn’t matter
where you go in life,
what you do…..
it’s who you have beside you.
We have changed over the years,
but the sparkle in your eyes
is as bright as ever,
and my love for you is even stronger.
Our anniversary is a time to look back
at the good times and a time to look ahead
to live our dreams together.
Anniversary Quotes Part 1
| 2 | 3
| 4 | 5
| 6 | 7 | 8
| 9 | 10
| 11
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